The Democracy Monument, located in the heart of Bangkok at the intersection of Ratchadamnoen Klang Avenue and Dinso Road, symbolises Thailand's transition to a constitutional monarchy. Built in 1939 during the reign of King Rama VIII, this historical landmark has now been illuminated to match its grandeur, thanks to CU Phosco's state-of-the-art solutions. This project, part of the broader "Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King's 6th Cycle Birthday Anniversary," aimed to enhance the visual appeal and safety of the surrounding roads.


CU Phosco, through their local agent Tasjinda Co, Ltd, provided a comprehensive lighting solution featuring FL800D LED floodlights. These floodlights, known for their performance, versatility, and reliability, were crucial in achieving the project's objectives of increased brightness, minimal light pollution, and significant energy savings.

12 FL800D floodlights replaced the previous 40 metal halide luminaires. These advanced floodlights offer full azimuth rotation and tilt functions, ensuring optimal light distribution tailored to the monument's unique needs. With built-in drivers and the AeroFlow® Cooling System, the floodlights provide exceptional thermal management, enhancing their durability and efficiency. Using Samsung CSP LEDs further ensures high-lumen output with minimal depreciation over time, maximising energy efficiency and reducing operational costs.

The FL800D floodlights' superior luminaire efficacy of 156 lm/W and their dark sky-friendly design with minimal glare ensured compliance with IESNA standards, minimising light spill into the monument and surrounding areas.

The team further demonstrated their expertise by replacing mast-mounted control cabinets, connectors, and underground cables within 60-day days, transforming the historic site's infrastructure.


The successful implementation of CU Phosco's solution resulted in a significant increase in lux levels and safety at the Democracy Monument Roundabout. The advanced technology and lighting performance meant fewer fittings were required, reducing the number of luminaires from 40 to 12. This transition from 440W metal halide luminaires to FL800D LED floodlights delivered a remarkable 77% energy savings, contributing to the project's sustainability goals.

The enhanced lighting ensures safe navigation for drivers and pedestrians, with improved visibility and minimal glare. The new lighting system not only highlights the monument's architectural beauty but also aligns with Bangkok's commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

"The collaboration with CU Phosco on the Democracy Monument project has been a testament to the power of innovative lighting solutions in enhancing safety and sustainability at one of Bangkok's most historic sites. This successful project underscores our commitment to delivering excellence in every aspect of lighting design and implementation," said Pop Jindavanich, representative of Tasjinda Co, Ltd.